Community Orchard – meeting on Saturday 19th June 2021 10am at Normandy Wood

Our village’s Community Orchard needs YOUR help – Parish Council chair Chris Miles is organising a review – can YOU help? FREE FRUIT for the village? Here are the team from 2012:

“As was mentioned in last addition of Packington Post, the Packington Orchard Group needs resurrecting and I’m planning a meeting of new and existing members for a walk about at the orchard.

This will take place, downpours permitting, on Saturday 19th June at 10am. We will meet at Normandy Wood car park and walk to the site where we will take stock of the orchard.

Very little work has been done over recent years and I propose that we make a plan of action if necessary.

Hope to see as many of you as possible at 10am Sat 19th June 2021

Thanks everyone – Chris”

Satellite view showing Normandy Wood car park on Measham Road and the Orchard area to the South West. Thanks for the map, Google..

Vote for … a new Packington Parish Councillor. Choice of two:

As well as the District and County Council elections on Thursday 6th May, our own village Parish Council election takes place that day .. or earlier if you have a Postal Vote, as 25% of us apparently do.

There are two candidates to fill one vacancy:

Russell Powell writes:

My name is Russell Powell and I have put myself forward to represent you as a Parish Councillor. I am 44 years old and live in Packington with my wife, Amy and our two year old son, Freddie. I grew up in Packington and my parents also still live in the village.
I am a chartered accountant and am the finance director of our family logistics business as well as a director of an accountancy practice. I’m an avid sports fan who enjoys playing golf and football (despite my body telling me otherwise!)

I am passionate about our village and am excited about trying to make a difference in ensuring our community continues to be enjoyable and safe for all residents.

The areas I would like to help influence, if elected, are:
Community – I want to ensure our first class community spirit is maintained. The village’s events and activities bring us all together and these traditions should continue along with any new ideas for the future.
Safety – the safety of residents is of utmost priority and everyone should feel comfortable, whether it’s by reducing speeding through our village, ensuring pathways are safe or tackling crime.
Facilities – maintaining and building upon the village’s facilities, such as the recreation ground and Memorial Hall. These facilities enhance the community spirit.

Communication is also key in keeping residents informed about these areas along with all village matters. Packington is a wonderful village and I want to help protect its future so that residents old and new can enjoy village life as much as my family and I do.

This publication is promoted by me, Russell Powell of 15 Century Drive, Packington, LE65 1GQ and displayed by Packington Post electronically on my behalf.

Bob Herritty writes:

Dear Packington Resident,

I am standing for Parish Councillor in the election on the 6th of May 2021 and would like to ask for your support. So who is Bob?

I am a 4 year resident of Packington – Welsh by birth. Happily married to Ann and living in Westcroft on the High St.. I am a director of several international companies that specialise in batteries and power electronics. I am a member of Ashby Rotary Club and can be seen walking behind the Santa sleigh in “Hi Viz” if you look carefully. I have previously served the community I lived in as a member of the board of Action for Children Wales and as a governor of Headlands Independent Special School.

What are my key motivations to seek your support?

  1. To represent the interests of all Packington residents
  2. To ensure a clean, healthy environment in Packington.
  3. To promote road safety in and around Packington – including pressing for speed restrictions.
  4. To provide inputs to planning applications circulated to the Parish Council.
  5. To support our local businesses and communal facilities.

Please vote on the 6th May and stay safe. Thank you!
Published by: R M Herritty, 51 High St, Packington, LE651WJ and Displayed by Packington Post electronically on my behalf.

Bull and Lion Re-opens – Monday 12th April 2021

New team lead the way

With restrictions easing, the new team at our Bull and Lion were busy on Monday 12th April 2021, starting at 11 am, serving meals until 3, then meals again from 5 until 9 pm, with drinks service thoughout. Although they are only allowed to cater for those seated outdoors, the weather was bright and cheerful, and the sunshine warm enough to make this an enjoyable experience.

New landlord Steven Johns is second from left in the picture above, accompanied by his business partner John Mitchell at right, with colleagues Hayley and Damien Bevan. Between them they have been busy re-decorating and re-arranging the building and especially the kitchen and garden areas, to help make their restaurant and drinks services sparkle.

We need to BOOK because of limited availability outside – use Facebook Messenger to their “Bull & Lion Packington” page identity, or they have the plain old telephone at 415257

One request – cash payments if possible! Although we’ve all become used to paying by card and phone, their new card-reading terminal is often out of its short radio range at the far end of the garden tables, and they have to rush back and forth with it across to the main building to complete electronic tranactions! Cash payments would ease their load until this can be sorted!

Two happy customers enjoy the Monday afternoon sunshine

Packington Celebrates VE Day 75th Anniversary

An album of 13 images, showing the “VE Day 75th Anniversary Photos” is available on our Packington Post Facebook page

The Bassett family on Mill Street caught in a clever socially-distanced Selfie
Nick and Joy Gravestock about to elegantly indulge in their celebration tea

The unusual “lockdown” situation prevailing meant that residents had to be socially distanced, at least two metres apart, and to stay at home as much as possible. Our pictures in the Facebook Album reflect that Virus alert situation.

Pauline and Christopher Miles with a tasty layout of sandwiches and cakes

“Packington Sings” – Photo Album of Community Choir 14th May 2020 on Facebook

An album of 16 images, showing the “Packington Community Choir” with musicians, and village residents as choristers, is available on our Packington Post Facebook page

Aimee Harrison leads Packington Community Choir

The Packington Community Choir is a chance for a sing-song while remaining socially-distanced along the length of our High Street. Each week, choir leader Aimee Harrison chooses a song, and publishes the lyrics and how to sing them on her Facebook page.

The Musicians – Peter, Aimee, Joy, Nick and Lesley

The song on 14th May was “Let it Be”. On 21st May it will be “Something Inside So Strong”. Check for the details on the Community Choir Facebook page

Choristers / audience across the High Street

News from Packington Primary School

News from the School – May 2020

School is a very different place to be recently, and certainly a lot quieter! We are, however, still working and keeping busy to ensure that all of our lovely families have work and activities available to them whilst they are staying safe at home. A few children of key workers are still attending school and we are remaining open to support these families when they need us. Our website here has more details of our activities.

Science Experiment
Continue reading ‘News from Packington Primary School’ »

Photo Album of Wesley’s funeral cortège through Packington on Friday 1st May 2020

See an album of photos on the Packington Post Facebook page here

Wesley’s hearse reaches the top of Mill Street, to be greeted there by many villagers

On 1st May, Packington Village turned out at 3pm to bid farewell to Wesley Ewing, a highly popular village stalwart over decades.

His funeral at Bretby was restricted by current virus-control rules to only 10 people, but his funeral cortège left Charity Farm, Mill Street, and proceeded up Mill Street at walking pace with family and mourners walking behind.

The hearse leaves High Street for Bretby, with villagers lining the route – photo courtesy Martin Bassett of Bassetts Photos

The route was lined with village people, many clapping, many tearful.. all the staff of Daybreak Services joined village residents to line the route as the hearse left High Street en-route to Bretby

See the album of photos on the Packington Post Facebook page here

Goodbye to Wesley – Friday 1st May 2020 at 2:45pm – farewell procession through our village

Wesley leaves Packington on Friday 1st May 2020, and village folk have the chance to bid farewell on his way to his funeral at Bretby. We aren’t allowed to attend there due to current restrictions, but with social distancing we can all take part by lining the route as his cortege leaves his home in Mill Street, opposite the school, and proceeds round our village. Two metres – 6 feet – apart is required of each of us.

The hearse will travel at walking pace with the family walking behind in procession – an Irish tradition. The route is shown below: up Mill Street on foot, and then in cars down Normanton Road, along Heather Lane, turning up the length of High Street to leave the village on Ashby road.

The funeral is in the form of a cremation at Bretby at 4pm – but current restrictions mean only 10 mourners maximum are allowed there.

Wesley 1966 – 2020 : Packington Residents pay Tribute

Village residents Chris Miles, Mike Coke, and Steve Plummer have contributed to this tribute to Wesley Ewing:

Wes was always able to find time to contribute to and get involved in local groups. As his family grew, he was involved with JPEG, Packington Junior Entertainment Group. His enthusiasm, along with Alison’s, saw many events organised by the Mums and Dads, and Wesley was right in there helping organise, establishing a real community spirit in children and adults.
In the early 2000’s Wes was instrumental in setting up FLOAT, a group of residents, the FLOod Action Team, when the Gilwiskaw Brook threatened to flood more properties in Mill Street. After much dogged determination, mainly by him, the authorities were persuaded in 2010 to take away the solid brick Little Lane bridge which was stopping the flow and diverting water into Mill Street. This partly solved the problem until the rains of 2019 and 2020 when FLOAT was resurrected. Again, Wes organised meetings to get action from all the responsible authorities who can help protect Packington from flooding.

“Wesley Ewing Bridge” brand new in April 2010

Wes set up a Food Group, a cooking / diner’s club following the refurbishment of the Memorial Hall. He ran sessions at the Hall for youngsters to learn to cook, and for adult groups too. For them it was a chance to bring their favourite wine to go along with the meal!
In recent years the Packington Big Breakfast has been a real success. According to organiser Mike Coke, when the Charity Big Breakfast was first proposed, Wes got him out of trouble by putting together a team of chefs, and organised the food requirements as well. This event has become a village fixture thanks to his input. He will be sadly missed by all the volunteers, especially Mike.
Wes had always been interested in security, and contributed a huge amount as a member of Neighbourhood Watch over the last four or five years. He acted as Chairman, and it is really down to him that Packington has an excellent security system involving cameras, police, and a full complement of active Neighbourhood Watch street co-ordinators.
Wes was one of the two remaining original members of the Packington Communications Group set up in 2002. Using the resources of Context, his printing and publishing company, he designed and printed over 100 editions of the Packington Post. Sitting with the Editor of the day, each edition often took hours of precious voluntary time to complete. It had to be right! With much input from other members of the team, this arguably resulted in one of the most professionally produced magazines in the country from a small village.
The Covid-lockdown has meant that the elderly and vulnerable have to be looked after. Wes quickly saw the need for this and, along with the Parish Council, Neighbourhood Watch and Packington Post, got things organised. As hub co-ordinator for the village he soon established a chain of command from volunteers within these groups, and the problem we hope is resolved. Thank you Wes.
Finally, Wes was a friend to many. You were always greeted with a smile and you knew he would help if he could. He was generous, he was kind and, for a person who often said that he hated meetings, could always be found putting the case for Packington residents at the many he attended.

Wes, we salute you, we will miss you, and thank you for all you have done for Packington.

Waste collections update

May we remind you that
NWLDC collections of garden waste and cardboard recycling have been suspended until further notice.
Red box and blue bag as normal tomorrow and for foreseeable future black bin next week as scheduled
Please be considerate to near neighbours and avoid bonfires and simmering incinerators
particularly on these very warm ,calm days when windows will be open and people will be enjoying their gardens.
Thank you

Village Community Litter Pick – THIS Sunday 8th March 2020

Meet at Memorial Hall at 10 am

This was last year – we hope it won’t be foggy this year !

Expect a short brief and choice of areas

Hi-Vis and bin bags provided

Please wear suitable footwear and gloves

Just 2 hours at most – when it’s done, it’s DONE

Complimentary hot drinks (and chatting !) at the Hall when we finish

As well as our village centre, we’ll tidy the lanes that lead into our beautiful village

Here’s what we achieved last time..

Packington Litter Pick 2020 is led by village resident Martin Bassett of Mill Street, who feels like most of us that we want OUR village to look nice! Spot the hideous litter on this video of Coleorton Lane, coming down into OUR village:
Video of Coleorton Lane coming down into our village

Big Breakfast – Major Village Charity Event – Saturday 7th March 2020

This is THE village event, where we all have the chance to be part of something REALLY SPECIAL – just come along and eat a top-level Packington Breakfast, AND / OR help by joining the team of villagers for just one hour.

Quality produce supplied by: Taylors Butcher of Ashby de la Zouch; and our own Daybreak Services of Packington

This year Highly Topical Special: Packington Neighbourhood Watch table with display and information on our village defence posture. Meet some of our NHW team and learn about YOUR street representative.

This year we are supporting a special charity – Dementia UK

Not from Packington? We welcome you as honorary villagers while you enjoy a full Packington Breakfast. Just turn up! All proceeds to charity!

Full English Breakfast £8
Children’s Portion £4

  • Sausages x 2
  • Bacon x 2
  • Black Pudding
  • Fried Egg
  • Tomato
  • Beans
  • Mushrooms
  • Toast, Butter, Marmalade,
  • Orange Juice
  • Tea or Coffee

Vegetarian Full Breakfast £7

  • Omelette
  • Tomato
  • Mushrooms
  • Beans

Breakfast Bap £4

  • Sausage or Bacon
  • Orange Juice
  • Tea or Coffee

Join us? For just one hour (more if you want) YOU could take orders, lay tables, make tea, make toast, cook, warm plates, serve meals, serve hot drinks, serve orange juice, clear plates, wipe tables and re-lay, use the commercial high-speed dishwasher, use the low-speed glass washer, smile at all the happy eaters – call Mike on 560430 to book your chance to star for an hour in this amazing event, where we all get to say hello to other village residents, and where volunteering camaraderie can make a major boost to YOUR seratonin level!

Aldi Ashby 20 – Sunday 15th March 2020 – Road Closures

The Aldi “Ashby 20” is a 20-mile road running race through Packington on Sunday 15th March 2020, starting at 10am.  About 1,500 runners will take part, and there are road closures for safety, for a likely maximum period from about 8am to about 3pm. Full details can be found here on the Ashby 20 website

Mill Street will be CLOSED from 9:05 to 10:15 am

Runners come from Ashby, go down Packington’s Mill Street, then do two anti-clockwise laps of the roughly-circular course shown on the map below.  The anti-clockwise left side of all roads of the circle are CLOSED during the race. Roads are open only in the opposite clockwise direction.  In Heather village, traffic may flow alternately in both directions using Stop / Go boards

At the Bull & Lion on their second lap, runners turn up High Street, Packington, and on up Ashby Road to their finish at Ashby. There is a full schedule of Road Closure details in a table here on the Ashby 20 website

You’ll be able to drive FROM the 5-ways Junction, along Measham Road to Packington, but NOT the other way, due to 1,500 runners coming that way