Another planning application for houses in Packington to the rear of 53 Normanton Road. Planning Ref 14/00109/OUT

This new application has just gone in for 4 large houses in land to the rear of 53 Normanton Road. Planning Ref 14/00109/OUT The entrance for this is again at that lower end of Normanton Road.

This is only for 4 houses, however this is on the fields that connect up to the chicken farm, and could open the way for the 180 house on these fields which has been rumoured.

The other applications already in the system are:-

Ref. 13/00959/OUTM at Spring Lane/Normanton road junction  – 49 houses

Ref. 13/01002/OUTM  at Normanton Road/Heather Lane Junundction for outline planning for 35 houses

Details can be seen at  and tick the box and enter  the ref. number at the appropriate prompt.

The amount of applications going in is of concern leading to a potential cumulative negative impact if they are all viewed in isolation, and once one, however small, gets the go ahead, it may set a precedence for others to follow.

This favourable window of opportunity has been provided to developers because NWLDC have not had their Core Strategy for Housing in the area finalised and adopted

All the sites will eventually drain into the stream that runs through the culvert at the junction of Normanton Road/Heather Lane and Spring Lane with inevitable impact on flooding in that area from increased run off. This brook runs into the Gilwiskaw at the rear of Babelake Street and it regularly floods fields in that vicinity.

Neighbourhood watch Volunteers required – Packington needs YOU

Neighbourhood Watch logoNew Representatives are needed. A strong Neighbourhood Watch scheme leads to a safer and friendlier village

The major aim of  Neighbourhood and Home Watch is to bring neighbours together; this builds strong, friendly, active communities, in which crime and anti-social behaviour are less likely.

We want a caring society, focused on trust and respect, in which people are safe from crime and enjoy a good quality of life. Neighbourhood Watch (NW) helps make sure that no one has to feel afraid, vulnerable or isolated in the place where they live. It helps people look out for each other, crossing barriers of age, race and class to benefit everyone.

The Packington NW scheme has not been as proactive as we would like. There are stalwarts who have tried to support the scheme, but it needs a larger focused group for it to be successful. On Wednesday this week we held the first meeting of the NW Re-launch. We heard that some who have given good NW support now have commitments that don’t allow them to continue.

Look at this list Continue reading ‘Neighbourhood watch Volunteers required – Packington needs YOU’ »

Bull & Lion – open for business as usual under new ownership

NewB&LpaintJobJuly2013_exIMG_1355w500h232_14k New Landlord at our Bull and Lion : Alan Hutchcraft

Telephone 01530 587361
Mobile 07976 953002

Following the departure of temporary landlord Justin Hadley, the reins have been taken up by new landlord, Alan Hutchcraft, who has over 20 years experience in the licensed trade. Together with Billy the Chef and the rest of the staff, they are intent on returning the local pub as the vibrant location it had become under the recent stewardship of Mandy Mulholland & family.
Alan hopes that you will support their efforts, and would be delighted to hear your views, comments and suggestions on what you would like to see available at the Bull & Lion – apart from of course a well-kept cellar, good food, and a great atmosphere. Bull & Lion Jan 2014He is keen to emphasise that following recent upheavals it is vital that the Bull and Lion returns to be a centre of village life,  a natural meeting place for groups, clubs and of course all village residents.
Pictured here with two of his first customers, Roger Muggleton, President of Packington Cricket Club and Wally Instrall from The Grange and of course, Master Chef  Billy, Alan’s message is as follows;-

Hello and a belated Happy New Year to everyone in Packington  – I would just like to say a big “thank you” to everyone that has called in to introduce themselves to me in the short time I have been here, and their welcome has been greatly appreciated.  The support from the Packington Post team is fantastic, and I will certainly be using the communication channels that they are able to offer through the Packington Post,  website and the email alerts system to inform you about events at the pub. I hope we can continue to move the Bull & Lion forward with support from you for myself and all the team, including of course “Master Chef Billy”.
The menu will be Continue reading ‘Bull & Lion – open for business as usual under new ownership’ »

Planning Permission Refused at Packington Nook

Today Tuesday 7th January 2014 the Planning Application by Hallam Land for 70 houses at Lower Packington Road, Ashby, came up for consideration at Coalville Council Offices. The article and letter below are copied from the website of the Packington Nook Residents Association PNRA:

Screen Shot 2014-01-07 at 21.34.36Dear Supporters

The District Council Planning Committee have this evening voted unanimously to refuse planning permission for 70 houses on Hallam’s site off Lower Packington Road.  This was in spite of their Officers having recommended to permit.  The Officers conceded at the meeting that there are strong sustainability arguments against the site.
Our thanks to everyone for your continued support and especially those who made objections or who came to support us in Coalville today.
It proves that the views of local people do matter and strengthens PNRA should we have to act again.
with thanks
Nigel Garnham
Packington Nook Residents Association

Get Active at the Village Hall

There are two new activities starting at the village hall that we’ve been informed of via the PackingtonPost Facebook page:


Sian Flinn says “Strictly-Style Dancing is coming to Packington”.

New Dance Fitness Class Starting in Packington Village Hall on Thursday 16th January 2014. Time: 7.15-8pm. The LAUNCH CLASS is FREE, but booking is advised. Text or Call 07741 269739 or ‘Like’ my FaceBook page “Fitsteps with Sian Flinn. Dancer/Tutor/Personal Trainer & Message to book your place.

Will run every Thursday (except the 1st Thursday of every month) at £4 a class. Come and Dance yourself Fit. FITSTEPS is Fitness that is ‘Strictly’ Fun.

A mix of the graceful steps of Ballroom and the up-tempo steps of the Latin dances, together creating a really fun, energetic and effective way to stay fit and keep trim that would appeal to everyone, even if you can’t dance. A dance fitness programme that is ‘so much fun you don’t even realise you’re getting fit!’

Paul Brown will be running a Wado Ryu Karate  class, Wednesdays 17:30 – 18:30. Call 07866 451554
Packington Village hall, £4 per person, suitable for all ages and abilities from 5 years to adults. The classes will combine the best of the traditional of Japanese Karate with modern self defence theory and practice. Wado Ryu karate will give you:
• exercise for body and mind…
• fitness
• power
• co-ordination
• confidence
• awareness
• self defence
• discipline
• sport

New Parish Councillor for Packington

At the August meeting of the Parish Council it was minuted that Barry Bryan, Mill Street was co-opted as a Parish Councillor to serve until the next elections.

The vacancy was caused by the resignation of Claire Beynon earlier in the year who had moved out of the village.

Parish Council minutes and agendas can be viewed here:-


            Introductory note from Barry

I am a retired teacher and IT manager, and with my wife, Margaret, and youngest son, William, have lived in Mill Street  for the last 7 years. I am quite keen on DIY and have spent a considerable amount of time on repairing/improving our cottage.  Margaret and I are keen walkers and in particular, we like walking in mountainous country and can also be seen regularly walking around the village countryside.  Since we retired we have visited 22 countries and hiked in some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.  I am quite keen on photography and use it as a means of supplementing my trip diaries when travelling and when looking back on a trip in later years.
Contact details:-
Telephone:01530 415332

PS Editorial note:- Barry and Margaret are keen entrants in and supporters of the Packington Post Photograph competition at the annual Horticultural Show and have submitted some stunning shots in past years from their world trips as well as from the local area.

New Co-Ordinator for Neighbourhood Watch


A village resident has stepped forward to help fill the vacancy for a Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator (NWC) in our village.

Stephen Flook, of Mill Street. Packington, pictured at left, hopes to bring new life to this vital position, which has been vacant for some time.

Neighbourhood Watch works best when we all keep our eyes and ears open for each other, and are unafraid to promptly report suspicious behaviour.  Knowing what to look out for, and who to report to, are of prime importance.

The Coordinator needs help from a representative in each of our streets, and has asked for the street representatives to contact him soon.

Speaking to Packington Post, Stephen Flook said “I am pleased to advise that I will be taking on the role of NWC for the Packington area.

I am aware from discussions that each street has a representative coordinator, but unfortunately I don’t know who these are. I would be grateful to hear from anyone who is or knows who the current street representatives are.
When we identify the representatives and are able confirm their willingness to continue, we can get together and agree how we move forward, and if necessary elect new or replacement representatives.   Thanks !”

Please make contact with our new NWC:

Stephen Flook  –  2 Mill Street
Tel 01530 415185
Mob 07768 852363

Bull & Lion looks forward again

New Manager to help our village pub THRIVE again

20131212 B&L JustinHadley_exIMG_3625w200h272

New manager at The Bull and Lion, Justin Hadley, pictured left, put in a plea: for the village to support his unchanged staff  in their efforts to continue providing great pub food and a welcoming central village meeting-point for us all.

Justin has described to Packington Post how he may have been misled when he took the tenancy of our village pub earlier this week.

On making their purchase offer for the vacant tenancy, Justin and his business partner, Julie Lester,  had understood from the brewery that the previous tenants wanted to be out immediately – and could he take over at once? So he dropped everything, and on Monday this week arrived – to find the village seething over what one senior resident had publicly described as a “Shabby” takeover, with its precipitate removal by the brewery of the previous tenants the prior Friday.

There appear to be implications of duplicity here by the brewery.   Justin was not the cause of the no-notice departure of the previous team leaders, who apparently only held a short-notice tenancy of the pub.  Packington Post understands that the previous team held a first-refusal to purchase the permanent tenancy, but had declined to do so.

Meanwhile, Justin and Julie will try hard to regain the growing warmth and affection that previous tenants Mandy Mulholland and her family had engendered.

For more information – or to order your Sunday Lunch – call The Bull & Lion on 01530 587361

Shabby takeover at our Bull and Lion ?

Guest contributor Wally Instrall writes:
To Readers of Packington Post, and hopefully The Ashby Times
I would like to express my utter disgust at the shabby way in which Marstons, the brewers, have treated the incumbents of the Bull & Lion.
Mandy and her team had started to revive the pub, were succeeding and had gained the support and affection of the whole village, when at a few days notice they were told that the tenancy had been bought and that they must vacate by the end of the week !!! Continue reading ‘Shabby takeover at our Bull and Lion ?’ »

All change AGAIN at the Bull & Lion?

Packington email alert no. 166 – All change AGAIN at the Bull & Lion!


Mandy and her family were surprised to get short notice that Marstons the brewery had signed the tenancy of the Bull & Lion over to new tenants with effect from tomorrow 9th December 2013!

Mandy and her team had made significant improvements not only to the decor but to the food and service and ambience within the Pub.

They left on Friday and will be missed by all those that had frequented the pub in recent weeks on many occasions– some after long absences.

The business and patronage had risen rapidly in the short time (approx 3 months) they were there, and villagers were getting used to having a pub with friendly faces and a warm welcome.

Over this weekend it is being overseen by a temporary manager although it is understood that the staff are the same and business is as usual.

At Packington Post, we will try and keep you updated with developments as they become clearer.

Major House Building Proposed at Spring Lane – 49 new houses for Packington?

Screen Shot 2013-12-05 at 18.29.41Outline Planning Application No 13/00959/OUTM

go to the Council Planning Website here

use the number to access all the documents.

They seek approval for up to 49 houses with access onto Normanton Road.

14 x 4-bed, 12 x 3-bed, 13 x 2-bed, 10 x  “Affordable” Housing Continue reading ‘Major House Building Proposed at Spring Lane – 49 new houses for Packington?’ »