Vote for … a new Packington Parish Councillor. Choice of two:

As well as the District and County Council elections on Thursday 6th May, our own village Parish Council election takes place that day .. or earlier if you have a Postal Vote, as 25% of us apparently do. There are two candidates to fill one vacancy: Russell Powell writes: My name is Russell Powell and …

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Bull and Lion Re-opens – Monday 12th April 2021

New team lead the way With restrictions easing, the new team at our Bull and Lion were busy on Monday 12th April 2021, starting at 11 am, serving meals until 3, then meals again from 5 until 9 pm, with drinks service thoughout. Although they are only allowed to cater for those seated outdoors, the …

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Packington Celebrates VE Day 75th Anniversary

An album of 13 images, showing the “VE Day 75th Anniversary Photos” is available on our Packington Post Facebook page The unusual “lockdown” situation prevailing meant that residents had to be socially distanced, at least two metres apart, and to stay at home as much as possible. Our pictures in the Facebook Album reflect that …

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“Packington Sings” – Photo Album of Community Choir 14th May 2020 on Facebook

An album of 16 images, showing the “Packington Community Choir” with musicians, and village residents as choristers, is available on our Packington Post Facebook page The Packington Community Choir is a chance for a sing-song while remaining socially-distanced along the length of our High Street. Each week, choir leader Aimee Harrison chooses a song, and …

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Photo Album of Wesley’s funeral cortège through Packington on Friday 1st May 2020

See an album of photos on the Packington Post Facebook page here On 1st May, Packington Village turned out at 3pm to bid farewell to Wesley Ewing, a highly popular village stalwart over decades. His funeral at Bretby was restricted by current virus-control rules to only 10 people, but his funeral cortège left Charity Farm, …

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Goodbye to Wesley – Friday 1st May 2020 at 2:45pm – farewell procession through our village

Wesley leaves Packington on Friday 1st May 2020, and village folk have the chance to bid farewell on his way to his funeral at Bretby. We aren’t allowed to attend there due to current restrictions, but with social distancing we can all take part by lining the route as his cortege leaves his home in …

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Village Community Litter Pick – THIS Sunday 8th March 2020

Meet at Memorial Hall at 10 am Expect a short brief and choice of areas Hi-Vis and bin bags provided Please wear suitable footwear and gloves Just 2 hours at most – when it’s done, it’s DONE Complimentary hot drinks (and chatting !) at the Hall when we finish As well as our village centre, …

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Big Breakfast – Major Village Charity Event – Saturday 7th March 2020

This is THE village event, where we all have the chance to be part of something REALLY SPECIAL – just come along and eat a top-level Packington Breakfast, AND / OR help by joining the team of villagers for just one hour. Quality produce supplied by: Taylors Butcher of Ashby de la Zouch; and our …

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100 issues of Packington Post

No wonder the small Packington Communications Group (PCG) were in celebration mode in the photo above – since 2003, the Group has produced ONE HUNDRED issues of Packington Post, our village bi-monthly magazine. Issue 100, distributed during the weekend of 18th / 19th January 2020, is another bumper 16-page edition. The 9 “core” members of …

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Packington Bonfire and Fireworks Tuesday 5th November 2019

We hope to repeat the success of previous Bonfire Parties, again on the traditional date : Remember, Remember, the 5th November.. There is a need to build a safe bonfire. If you can bring material to burn, check the contents before you take it to the site with Chris Miles. He can be contacted on …

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Parish Council Election 2nd May 2019 – Robert Martin

Firstly may I introduce myself. My name is Robert Martin, I live at 20 Ashby Road, have lived in Packington for 52 years, married to Jean, we have two sons, Richard and Edward.I have served for 12 years on the Parish Council and would like to serve the village for a further term to help …

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Parish Council Election 2nd May 2019 – Chris Miles

I am Chris Miles and I am pictured here with my wife of fifty-one years, Pauline. We have lived in Packington all our married lives and love belonging to a small rural community. We were both teachers and I taught at Granville School in South Derbyshire for nearly forty years becoming the Head of Physical …

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Parish Council Election 2nd May 2019 – Ian Peterson

My name is Ian Peterson and I have put my name forward to represent you as a Parish Councillor. I have lived on High Street for almost 20 years and want to contribute to the general wellbeing of Packington. Fellow dog walkers will recognise me as the man with the boisterous whippet. I am also …

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