Packington Food Group

CALLING ALL FOODIES – We have a Food Group in the village which historically had ran events ranging from pasta making, producer visits, to cup cakes for children. If you are interesting in organising a food in the village make contact with 01530 411337

The WI in Packington – News

Betty Carter writes:

WI-new-logo-june-2011w245h186_7kPackington WI’s October meeting was well attended, and members enjoyed a talk entitled A Tourist’s View of Russia by local resident David Fill.

Mr Fill was already proficient in three languages when he was required by the Army to learn Russian. This gave him an abiding interest in the country, which he subsequently visited many times.  He illustrated his talk with slides, which proved most interesting.Competitions2w178h180_4k

The competition, for A Memento of Russia, was won by Hazel Brown, with a Russian doll. Second was Margaret Stalker (a Cossack hat), and third Ruth Morris (a samovar).  A vote of thanks to the speaker was proposed by Beryl Latham.

Sue Talbot acted as secretary for the evening in the absence of Sandra Hawley, who is currently in Coalville Hospital and much missed. Several members have visited her and it is hoped she will soon be well enough to resume her post.

New committee members are urgently needed – the Annual General Meeting is on November 7, so now is the time to put your name forward.

The Help Out Mill in Shackerstone is the venue for the annual Ivanhoe Group lunch on October 19.

Packington Post – New Editor

Hello  – I’m Barry Alldread, and I’ve taken over as Editor of the Packington Post from Natalie Moreland and Stephen Plummer, your Editors for the last ten years who both continue as part of our Packington Communications Group PCG team.
20131003 Barry Alldread w350h510_161kMy wife Kelly and I have lived on Babelake Street for over 2 years. We are keen runners and enjoy being involved in local clubs and events. I am a member of Ivanhoe Runners and Race Director of the annual “Aldi Ashby 20” road-running race which passes through Packington early next March.

I am looking forward to my role as Editor, and welcome any feedback or contributions you may have to the Packington Post magazine and website. We can help you promote village events, and adjacent local events involving village people; we can provide a record of them afterwards.  If you would like something published, please  contact me by email

You can find details of Packington Post, of our advertising, and of our fantastic PCG team members here on this website page.

I need your inputs for your next Packington Post, Edition 63, my first, by the end of Friday 8th November 2013. That’s so we can work on it that weekend and the following one; publication and distribution should follow by Wednesday 20th November 2013.  Sorry – that’s slightly different from what we printed on the cover of issue 62!

Thanks in advance for your support of Packington Post magazine and website; please help me continue its tradition as an excellent village communication medium.


Neighbourhood Watch Update


From Mike Coke, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator for The Grange, Packington.

There are currently eight Neighbourhood Watch schemes in Packington listed here on the NW website:

  • Ashby Road
  • Babelake Street
  • Bridge Street
  • Heather Lane
  • High Street
  • Homecroft Drive
  • Spring Lane
  • The Grange

Do you know your scheme coordinator?

You can find out by visiting that NW website:

Did you know there were six reported crimes in Packington in July?

You can see more information Continue reading ‘Neighbourhood Watch Update’ »

History Group present “Packington Observed”

UnknownPackington History Group present “Packington Observed” at the Memorial Hall 2pm until 4pm on Saturday 14th September. Admission is free.

See our extensive records and photos of local events, carnivals, the village school and much more. You may recognise your relatives from the past! This is a unique opportunity to meet our local historians and see what information we have in our archives of the area that you live in, collected over many years.

We have published several booklects documenting life in the village and area over the years and these will be available at modest cost on the day. For further details of what is available or if you wish to join the History Group please contact Peter Cooper (412723) or Wally Instrall (416786).


PHS Horticultural Show – Trophy Winners

Saturday 7th September 2013 saw a spectacular Packington Horticultural Society Show,   one of the finest and best attended PHS annual shows that any of us can September-Notice-exIMG_1905w200h107_4kremember. This has been a really good summer, and the quality and range of exhibits was outstanding. Many thanks and congratulations to all who entered.

Angela Parry of PHS has passed on the following trophy results, and hopes to have full details of placings in all 80 categories shortly.

One entrant in particular creamed Continue reading ‘PHS Horticultural Show – Trophy Winners’ »

Open Gardens raises record amount


The 24th Annual Open Gardens Day took place on August Bank Holiday Monday when the glorious weather helped to attract record numbers to the village.

In all, over 600 people visited 12 gardens which ranged in size from a few square yards to several acres. The refreshment spots were kept busy with cream teas, cold drinks and ice cream being particularly popular. Live musical entertainment was provided by Nick and Joy Gravestock with friends, the local ‘Phoenix’ ponies put in an appearance and lots of bargains were picked up on the plant, books, produce, craft and anything gardening stalls. A display in Holy Rood Church by the Packington Village History Group entitled ‘Packington Time Line’ gave a fascinating insight into life in the village over the centuries.

Unknown-1In all, the event raised a record total in excess of £3,555.00 for the village church building repair fund.

Thanks go to everyone who helped in any way to make it such an enjoyable and successful day.

Geoff Gasson


Act NOW – September issue of Packington Post

The COPY Closing Date for the next issue is Wednesday 4th September for issue on  the 18th.
If your group meeting is just after the 4th, we may be able to hold a space for you. Please e-mail PP_logo_transparent_smallthe editor or ring Natalie on 589453 to ask.

Please send articles, reports on meetings, photos and “dates for the diary” including regular meeting dates to the editor. What is YOUR group doing for the next 2 months?

We would also welcome views or open letters to the editor from anyone about things of interest to villagers.

Please keep articles to around 200 words and please send lots of pictures. Please note that articles may be edited to fit available space.

  This Packington Post website with its new Blog format is easy for YOU to contribute to directly. All Packington Groups and facilities should be represented here. It takes half an hour to learn how – please contact our web facilitator Robert Dilworth who will be happy to help YOUR group have YOUR OWN dedicated access.

  The email alert system is very successful, thanks to former editor, Stephen Plummer. You get to read things as they happen rather than waiting for the next Packington Post. To join, just e-mail Stephen at

Contact Editor Natalie on 589 453 or

Action is needed NOW for the September edition of your village magazine!

71st Packington Horticultural Show – Saturday 7th September 2013

2013programmeCoverLogow200September is nearly here – last year’s milestone  70th Anniversary show was one to remember, and with this year’s  far better summer, this year’s Packington Show looks like being even better.  We strive to improve year on year.

The Show is SO IMPORTANT to the whole Village and to all that have supported us for all the years.  Without that support it would not be possible.  Times are given .. Click here to read more..

Packington Cricket Club Quiz – Saturday 5th October

Cricket Club logoThis year’s Packington CC Fun Quiz Night will be held on Saturday 5th October at Packington Memorial Hall, 7-30pm for an 8-00pm start. Entry is for teams of 4 players, and the cost per team is £12 – yes that’s right, £3 per head for an evening’s entertainment, you can’t say fairer than that!!

We will have the usual mix of theme rounds, picture quizzes and the dreaded (for me!) music round! As ever there will be a licensed bar to help oil the wheels & cogs of your brains as you attempt to answer the questions. It’s all light-hearted though, we aim to keep the emphasis on the “fun” aspect of the evening!

All proceeds from this event go into the Cricket Club’s funds to help pay for ground and equipment maintenance, club insurance, etc. So to book your team’s place phone Giles Bee on 07806 557728 or email

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Going Social

As well as the printed magazine and this website, the Packington Communications Group also has a social media presence on both Facebook and Twitter. Why not like our page on Facebook or follow us on Twitter? If you’ve already done that, why not share those links with your family and neighbours?

Don’t forget that you can also subscribe to the email alerts. Simply send an email to with your name, address and contact number and we’ll add you to the list for future alerts. We currently have about 100 of the 300 households on that mailing list, it would be great to get that number up.

Bull & Lion is Open again – from Monday 19th August 2013

New-B&L-logo-Jul13_exIMG_1348w500h267_8k  Our village pub and restaurant, the Bull & Lion, is open again today Monday 19th August 2013, with a bright new management team headed by Amanda Mulholland.

Tuesday’s Quiz Night will go ahead – please support this event! You will notice a new much brighter Quiz room – Amanda’s team have been cleaning and decorating all weekend!

Catering will recommence on Wednesday 28th August under new chef Chris Alflat and his assistant Patrick Sullivan.

The telephone line is down at present – BT have quoted an astonishing Eleven Days to re-instate it – and there is only a very poor mobile phone signal at this bottom end of the village. Please bear with us in the meantime!

Photographs of

Click here to read more..