Local Plan – Have YOUR Say

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The North West Leicestershire Local Plan will affect every member of our community in some way, and they’d like you to have your say.

Screen Shot 2015-10-06 at 22.48.24The plan will be a guide to where new homes, businesses and jobs, schools and open space will go, as well as how we will protect the local environment.

Planning officers and members of the Planning Committee will use this document and the policies in it when deciding whether to permit or refuse planning permissions.

This consultation is your chance to give your Continue reading ‘Local Plan – Have YOUR Say’ »

73rd Packington Horticultural Show 2015 – Winners List

20150905 PHS73rd - R Meadows & R Parry exPhoto 6
73rd Annual Packington Horticultural Show – Winners List

This year’s 73rd show was very well supported, in the tradition of the annual Packington Horticultural Society (PHS) Show. The large number of exhibits were all carefully considered by the 2015 panel of judges, who were:  L Brookes, M Jones, C Bellfield, A McCarthy-Young.

Richard Meadows won the Banksian Medal, the RHS-granted award to the show winner gaining most points, and he is seen at left receiving the prestigious Frank Moore Banksian Trophy from PHS Committee Chair, Robert Parry.

You can read about the show in our printed magazine Packington Post Issue 74 page 4.  As mentioned there, a full list of winners is below: Continue reading ‘73rd Packington Horticultural Show 2015 – Winners List’ »

Major Village Event – Saturday 5th September – Horticultural Show

Screen Shot 2015-09-04 at 08.40.47Major Village Highlight – Come and make New Friends!

The Show takes place as follows:

Venue – Packington Memorial Hall, High Street, LE65 1WJ

8am – 12noon: All entries accepted
10am – 12noon: Tea, coffee, cakes and refreshments served
12noon – 2pm: Judging of exhibits
3pm – 6pm: Public viewing of exhibits
5.30pm: Presentation and awards
6pm: Auction of exhibits begins!
3pm onwards: Bar open
4pm onwards: Wood Fired Freshly Cooked Pizza available

We looking forward to seeing you on 5th! – Packington Horticultural Society Committee

Full details below: Continue reading ‘Major Village Event – Saturday 5th September – Horticultural Show’ »

Probably the BEST Open Gardens in Leicestershire – 31st August 2015

GarenView_CIMG3673w160_4kPackington Village Gardens Open Day – Major Village Event on Bank Holiday Monday, 31st August 2015 from 2pm to 7pm. Admission is by passport to up to 12 gardens, Adults £3.50, Children FREE.

Passports are available from Packington village Car Park on Measham Road – LE65 1WP for your SatNav – or at partaking gardens.

Refreshments including cream teas ..Click here to read more..

Articles required for next Packington Post edition – by pm 7th September 2105

PACKINGTON POST September issue – Hello Everyone

My name is Mike Coke, and I live on The Grange. I have been a member of the Packington Communications Group (PCG) for a number of years, and from the next issue I am the new Editor of the Packington Post.

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We would like to thank the previous editor, Barry Alldread, who has led the Post over the last couple of years  despite being extremely busy in a hectic business life, organising the Ashby 20 annual road race, and many other personal commitments.

The copy date for my September issue is 4pm Monday 7th September 2015 , but earlier copy would be much appreciated, please send by email to: editor at packington dot info  Distribution: weekend of 19/20th September.

As the new Editor I am looking forward to articles/reports from, and covering:-

  • Individuals,
  • Voluntary Groups and all village institutions,
  • Dates for the diary page,
  • Incidents,
  • Charitable activities
  • Events,
  • Special achievements, Exam results etc
  • Letters to the editor
  • and lots more that I am sure you can think of that would be of interest to residents and form an important historical record of Village life for future generations.

Every village household receives a FREE copy

Packington Post is the main communication medium for the whole village, and we welcome all contributions about anything relating to or affecting Packington and close neighbouring areas.

Please, if you can, keep reports to 200 words and send in pictures – we love pictures – as high resolution as you can please.

All items received will be reviewed by the editorial committee and may be shortened or edited depending on space available.

Please feel free to contact me, Mike Coke on 01530 560430 or email  editor@packington.info

Want some Funding? Learn How to Apply – Wed 9th September 2015

Workshop – Introduction to Funding Applications

Wednesday 9 September 2015 – 10.00 am to 12.30pm
North West Leicestershire District Council, Council Offices, Coalville, LE67 3FJ

This workshop will introduce you to some of the skills you will need, to be able to complete an application form, to apply for funding for a project for your group or organisation. It will also provide you with practical tips on how to ensure that your applications have the greatest chance of success.

As described in Packington Post, Packington Parish Council will have available a Community Benefit Fund from the Babelake Street Solar Farm, and this Workshop may help your project gain funding.

To register please email: daphne.robinson@nwleicestershire.gov.uk


Packington Community Benefit Fund – YOUR ideas needed




Community Benefit Fund

Following the completion of the solar farm at the end of Babelake Street, Packington will be receiving an annual payment of about £6,500 as a Community Benefit Fund. This will be administered by the Parish Council.
The fund must be used for the benefit of the Community and is available for charitable, educational, environmental, amenity or other appropriate purposes within the Parish. It cannot be used for things like entertainment or political purposes.
There are a number of possible projects known to the Parish Council who would also like to hear of any ideas or projects from people within our village. At this stage priority will be given to new one-off projects.
If you have any ideas, or would like clarification on any matter, please contact the chairman of the Parish Council (Chris Miles, 01530 414378, christopher.miles@sky.com) or any member of the Parish Council.
from Ian Dring, Vice Chairman, Packington Parish Council