Local Plan – Have YOUR Say

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The North West Leicestershire Local Plan will affect every member of our community in some way, and they’d like you to have your say.

Screen Shot 2015-10-06 at 22.48.24The plan will be a guide to where new homes, businesses and jobs, schools and open space will go, as well as how we will protect the local environment.

Planning officers and members of the Planning Committee will use this document and the policies in it when deciding whether to permit or refuse planning permissions.

This consultation is your chance to give your views on the various aspects of the plan.

We would like comments on all aspects of the plan, but understand that particular topics are of interest to different people, so the feedback forms are set up so you can comment on one aspect, a number of aspects or all aspects of the plan.

The main topics covered by the plan are:

  • Housing and affordable housing
  • Jobs
  • Infrastructure and facilities
  • The natural environment
  • The historic environment
  • Climate change
  • Gypsies and Travellers
  • Transport
  • Shopping

Public Consultation Events 

There will be an opportunity to discuss the draft Local Plan with officers at the following events:

Date Time Location
8th October  2015 11-3pm Ashby de la Zouch , Tesco
13th October 2015 11-3 pm Ibstock, Co-op
15th October 2015 11-3pm Measham, Tesco
17th October 2015 10-12pm Kegworth, Market Place
23rd October 2015 2-5pm Castle Donington, library
26th October 2015 11-3pm Greenhill, Community Shop
28th October 2015 11-3 pm Coalville, Morrisons
30th October 2015 11-3pm Coalville Market
31st October 2015 11-3pm Ashby de la Zouch,  Market Street

This Local Plan will guide where new homes, businesses, jobs and infrastructure will be developed in North West Leicestershire until 2031, and is now available for public comment.

The consultation on the district’s draft Local Plan is available online

The next steps for the North West Leicestershire Local Plan (subject to change):

Until 30 November 2015

Public consultation on the draft Local Plan – see the council’s web page here

November 2015 – January 2016

Once the consultation ends, we will collate all the feedback and look at whether any changes need to be made to the plan.

March 2016
Full Council will be asked to agree the publication version of the Local Plan – this is what the Planning Inspector will see.

September 2016

The Planning Inspector will begin to look at our draft Local Plan in detail during an examination. This could then allow for the Local Plan to be adopted by the council in September 2017.