May Queen Award at 6pm on Wednesday 1st May 2024 at the Bull and Lion Inn, Packington

Nice May Day evening weather was welcomed, and allowed the traditional May Queen award presentation to proceed without thick coats or umbrellas this year. The PennyRoyal Garland Dancers joined the Packington Morris Men and their music-makers in a display after the award, and then in a parade round the village, progressing up High Street, left …

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Packington Show – Saturday 2nd September 2023

Our village Horticultural Society PHS held it’s annual September first-Saturday Show again this year on 2nd September. This was the 80th year since the first show in 1943 held to support village members serving the armed forces in wartime. The pictures try to give a flavour of the enthusiasm of the village to support this …

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High Street Walk success on Tuesday evening 27th June 2023 for PVHG

Some 30 village folk were present at the 7:30pm start on Tuesday 27th June for the guided walk of our village High Street, led by our History Group PVHG More joined a little later, keen to hear Robin speak: Robin Boucher is the eminent chair of our village History Group PVHG, and he gave an …

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Packington’s Community Choir brings fun and laughter

May 2023 – Our newly formed community choir is enjoying welcoming new participants each week, and with around 30 attending, looks set to stay! So far, we’ve had an awful lot of fun and lots of laughter whilst learning a wide range of pieces – from popular classics, gospel, and traditional tunes. Despite being a …

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Village Open Afternoon at our Memorial Hall – Saturday 17th June 2pm – 4pm

FREE hot drink or glass of Prosecco.. Pop in for 5 minutes, or stay for longer. Our Bar will be Open! Information on Village Groups, Clubs, Societies, events, and activities will be on display at Memorial Hall starting at 2pm on Saturday 17th June 2023.  Plus you can MEET the PEOPLE behind all these ! …

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August Bank Holiday Monday Open Gardens 2022

Our village Open Gardens has been running for 30 years, and this year was led by High Street residents Nick and Joy Gravestock – who also provided live music for much of the afternoon at their venue, as seen below with Joy on violin and Nick on guitar: Again this year our Open Gardens was …

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Platinum Jubilee Review – Sunday 5th June 2022 – Church Service and Street Party

Church Service Another two events on this day. A well- attended Church Service (Songs of Praise) commenced at 10.30am with songs chosen by those present, and accompanied by Chris Miles on the organ. The service was led by Lesley Birtwistle who gave a short message. Hymns ranged from the quiet and reflective to the rousing …

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Platinum Jubilee Review – Friday 3rd June 2022 – Musical Extravaganza Evening

The Fish and Chip Van was brilliant. They served ninety meals within the hour, and everyone thought they were delicious. Towards the end of the meal, Packington’s resident saxophonist, Nicola, played some terrific well-known tunes. By the end of her show many of her audience were humming or singing along Robin gave without notes a …

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Platinum Jubilee Review – Friday 3rd June 2022 – Packington Tree-planting

A small gathering of thirty people saw the Platinum Jubilee Oak planted in the new North-West graveyard, together with a commemorative plaque. This marked the start of what the village hopes will be the first of many trees planted in this Jubilee year. It will form a response to the Queen’s wish for a Green …

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Platinum Jubilee Review – Thursday 2nd June 2022 – Packington Rounders & Beacon Lighting

Over forty participants played a Rounders Tournament from 7 pm – and really enjoyed this typically English game. Each game lasted 30 minutes. Teams with a mixture of youth and experience played, some slogged the ball for miles, others put in massive amounts of energy but missed completely! A sizeable crowd supported the games. Encouraging …

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Book Launch and Signing – Saturday 4th December 2021 – 10 am to 1 pm, at Memorial Hall

Our Packington Village History Group PVHG is to publish a new book about life in the inter-war years in our village. Prepared from archive recordings of interviews two decades ago of village elderly residents, the new book is to be launched on Saturday 4th December 2021, at the Memorial Hall meeting room, from 10 am …

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Duck Races – Major Excitement on Bank Holiday Evening !

Bank Holiday Monday – 30th August 2021 – saw intense excitement at the annual Packington Duck Race, when the coulmn of leading ducks stalled at the last ten metres of Gilwiskaw Brook – slowed, then reversed by a strong breeze from the South! Duck Steward Chris Miles had been following the leaders, and using his …

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