Platinum Jubilee Review – Friday 3rd June 2022 – Musical Extravaganza Evening

7 pm for 7:30 – Villagers assembled in the Memorial Hall await their evening meal

The Fish & Chip Van arrives

The Fish and Chip Van was brilliant. They served ninety meals within the hour, and everyone thought they were delicious.

Fish and chips with forks .. £7 with or without mushy peas.. Mmm .. conversation has ceased as folk tuck in..

Towards the end of the meal, Packington’s resident saxophonist, Nicola, played some terrific well-known tunes. By the end of her show many of her audience were humming or singing along

Nicola Watson plays familiar tunes – as the food was consumed, we were able to join-in with them
Robin Boucher, chair of Packington Village History Group PVHG

Robin gave without notes a word-perfect, rhyming monologue with recollections of times in the early years of her Majesty’s reign. It was amazing content, funny, poignant and for some of us triggering memories of days long past, such as: “.. and Dennis Compton, free from care, rubs more Brylcreem in his hair..”