British Heart Foundation to help fund our Defibrillator

Great News! Mike Coke, of the Packington Memorial Hall Committee, writes: I am delighted to have heard today from the British Heart Foundation, BHF, who have approved our application for a grant of additional funding towards a Defibrillator for Packington. BHF will help pay for some of the cost of this vital but expensive piece …

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Packington WI – February Meeting advice, and Report!

Packington WI’s February meeting was held in the  Memorial Hall on Thursday 6th February  2014.   It was addressed by Joanna Wilson, her subject being “100 years of Macmillan Cancer Support“. The speaker’s enthusiasm for, and knowledge of, the renowned cancer charity was inspiring, and everyone agreed that it was deserving of universal support. Joanna …

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HS2 & Planning – Iona, 8, writes to David Cameron

We’re delighted to have received a copy of this letter that Packington resident Iona, aged 8, has written to David Cameron and his government regarding HS2 and planning applications. It’s great to see people of all ages taking an interest in village life and we look forward to hearing if David Cameron takes up Iona’s …

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Neighbourhood watch Volunteers required – Packington needs YOU

New Representatives are needed. A strong Neighbourhood Watch scheme leads to a safer and friendlier village The major aim of  Neighbourhood and Home Watch is to bring neighbours together; this builds strong, friendly, active communities, in which crime and anti-social behaviour are less likely. We want a caring society, focused on trust and respect, in …

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Planning Permission Refused at Packington Nook

Today Tuesday 7th January 2014 the Planning Application by Hallam Land for 70 houses at Lower Packington Road, Ashby, came up for consideration at Coalville Council Offices. The article and letter below are copied from the website of the Packington Nook Residents Association PNRA: Dear Supporters The District Council Planning Committee have this evening voted unanimously …

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Get Active at the Village Hall

There are two new activities starting at the village hall that we’ve been informed of via the PackingtonPost Facebook page: Sian Flinn says “Strictly-Style Dancing is coming to Packington”. New Dance Fitness Class Starting in Packington Village Hall on Thursday 16th January 2014. Time: 7.15-8pm. The LAUNCH CLASS is FREE, but booking is advised. Text or Call 07741 …

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New Co-Ordinator for Neighbourhood Watch

A village resident has stepped forward to help fill the vacancy for a Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator (NWC) in our village. Stephen Flook, of Mill Street. Packington, pictured at left, hopes to bring new life to this vital position, which has been vacant for some time. Neighbourhood Watch works best when we all keep our eyes …

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Bull & Lion looks forward again

New Manager to help our village pub THRIVE again New manager at The Bull and Lion, Justin Hadley, pictured left, put in a plea: for the village to support his unchanged staff  in their efforts to continue providing great pub food and a welcoming central village meeting-point for us all. Justin has described to Packington …

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