Please – Save a Life – Give Blood!

NHSgiveBlood-20130818skewPoster_w200h244Sunday 18 August – 8th September – 29th September 2013

Summer Superheroes needed! The Blood and Transplant Service of our NHS needs to build stocks ready for winter. We can’t donate while we have ‘flu, or have just had ‘flu, so summer donations are vital. Best to book an appointment by calling 0300 123 23 23 or visit – two sessions, morning 0945 to 1230 and afternoon 1400-1600. You don’t need to be superhuman to be a superhero!

You can of course just turn up at:

Hood Park Leisure Centre, North Street, Ashby

More Floods? Packington Nook developers to resubmit application – email Alert 121

The following circular has been received from the Packington Nook Residents Association(PNRA), the action group that were instrumental in getting the last, much larger, planning application refused.
This much-reduced application from Hallam Land is the thin end of a wedge. If successful, it will make it easier to get the larger rejected plans passed in the future.  You need to know that this will affect .. Click here to read more..

Let’s All Secure OUR windows at night..

Neighbourhood Watch Alert Report: ForensicTeam-jul13w300_62k
Burglary  – High Street, Packington – Tuesday 16th July between 0001-0700.  Entry gained via an unsecured ground floor window and tidy search made,  Handbags, money and credit/debit cards stolen.

If you have any information on the above, please ring 101 or 999 in an emergency.

This was HERE, in our village High Street, last Tuesday. Perhaps we’ll all check OUR downstairs windows are secure, tonight, and every night?

We’re back!

Apologies that we’ve been off-air for so long, but now we’re back. We’ve had to move hosting companies and are taking the opportunity to update the technology that the Packington Post website is built upon. We’re now using WordPress and that should make it much easier for the members of the Packington Communications Group to add new content.

oldsite If you’re wondering what happened to all the content on the old website, you can access an archive version here, while we transfer the content to the new site.