Photo Album of Wesley’s funeral cortège through Packington on Friday 1st May 2020

See an album of photos on the Packington Post Facebook page here

Wesley’s hearse reaches the top of Mill Street, to be greeted there by many villagers

On 1st May, Packington Village turned out at 3pm to bid farewell to Wesley Ewing, a highly popular village stalwart over decades.

His funeral at Bretby was restricted by current virus-control rules to only 10 people, but his funeral cortège left Charity Farm, Mill Street, and proceeded up Mill Street at walking pace with family and mourners walking behind.

The hearse leaves High Street for Bretby, with villagers lining the route – photo courtesy Martin Bassett of Bassetts Photos

The route was lined with village people, many clapping, many tearful.. all the staff of Daybreak Services joined village residents to line the route as the hearse left High Street en-route to Bretby

See the album of photos on the Packington Post Facebook page here