Village Open Afternoon at our Memorial Hall – Saturday 17th June 2023

Packington Memorial Hall opened its doors to our community at 2pm for an open afternoon during a gloriously sunny and warm day.

Packington Post’s Editor, Amy Powell, was there:

Many groups and clubs are regular users of the hall and its facilities, and a number were present with information about their groups, and also to meet old and new community members. Our History Group PVHG were present:

This opportunity to meet potential new members also allowed group members an opportunity to network, to meet and talk about their upcoming events together. Members of the Board-Games group are seen, busy networking:

A fun afternoon was clearly had by all who attended, as these further photos by hall committee treasurer Angela Holt attest- Click on each photo thumbnail for the full sized image:

The groups that attended included:

  • Packington Communications Group (PCG)
  • Packington Village History Group PVHG
  • Packington Lunch Club
  • Packington Boardgames Club
  • Packington Book Club
  • Packington Village Community Film Club
  • Packington Horticultural Society (PHS)
  • Ashby Ivanhoe Garden Society
  • Packington Holy Rood Church
  • Packington Community Choir
  • Packington Parish Council
  • Ashby U3A Science and Technology Group.

For more information on some of the groups who attended this event take a look at the Packington Memorial Hall Facebook Page. 

A big “thank you” goes to the Memorial Hall trustees and committee for organising this event.