Parish Council Election 2nd May 2019 – Clare Beynon

I have lived in Packington for a number of years, with my husband and 2 daughters. As a family we have fully integrated into the village community, involved in various clubs and social activities. I’m a Talent Development Manager for a global brand. This role requires dynamic leadership and upmost Integrity.

I’m passionate about our village and believe I would continue to bring huge value as a voice of the community with a fresh perspective.
INCLUSIVE – More events for young families and other demographic groups. Reaching out via traditional channels and social media
SAFE– I’m passionate we do as much as possible to keep our community safe, ensure transparency with communication of village activity and ensure we identify all effective deterrents.
COMMUNITY VOICE—I’m here to represent YOU. I easily network and connect with many members of the village and will ensure your opinions are heard, from building development, planning applications, use of the recreation ground and, of course, HS2 plans.