Please Help Launch Measham’s Community Library

Volunteers Urgently Needed

Pivotal Committee positions unfilled

The Committee of Measham & District Community Library are asking for your support! We hope that, around June this year, the council will hand over the running of the Measham library to the committee.

Please could you join us? Screen Shot 2016-01-19 at 12.40.24We are looking for volunteers NOW to help us on the committee. Pivotal positions are vacant – it will look good on your CV to be able to record that YOU helped launch a Community Library. Continue reading ‘Please Help Launch Measham’s Community Library’ »

Another Spring Lane Planning Application

SpringLane-Plan-road-15-01064-OUTw471Another Spring Lane Planning Application

As mentioned in November’s Issue 75 of the Packington Post, just published, Outline Planning Permission has also been requested for 3 houses North of Spring Lane.



To see the Planning Application, click here: NW Leics District Council : Reference 15/01064/OUT | Proposed Residential Developmetn | Land at Spring Lane, Packington Continue reading ‘Another Spring Lane Planning Application’ »

Spring Lane Planning Application

Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 17.53.25Spring Lane Planning Application

As mentioned in November’s Issue 75 of the Packington Post, just published, Outline Planning Permission has been requested for 8 houses East of Spring Lane, in land shown here as a white-ish triangle at lower-right of the map.

Also shown is the orange line marking the building development boundary of the village, as well as two other current fill-in development applications in grey.

To see the Planning Application, click here: NW Leics District Council : Reference 15/01051/OUT | Erection of eight dwellings | Land To The North East Of Normanton Road, Packington, LE65 1WS

Continue reading ‘Spring Lane Planning Application’ »

Ashby & Food Gusto Fair Saturday 28th November 2015

Street party in Ashby! Read on for the Programme:

Santa and his NEW SLEIGH
Santa has a new sleigh! To celebrate, he is bringing FREE presents for the first 150 children!
– come early to avoid disappointment.
We are grateful for the assistance of Rotary for looking after Santa on the day!

Daffodil Bulb Planting – Please Help! Saturday 9:30am


WE NEED HELP! We providScreen Shot 2015-11-17 at 22.09.47e the 2,000 bulbs, they just need planting!

Help beautify YOUR village for next Spring: come along this SATURDAY 21st November 2015

Meet at  9:30am at the Packington Recreation Ground Car Park 

Please bring a Spade, Wellies or Boots, and a Hi-Viz Jacket if  you have one


20151119 Daffodil-plant-notices_IMG_2130


Chris Miles 01530 414378