Redburrow Lane Closure in March 2016 – Details


Packington Post has learned more detail of what appeared to be a proposed total closure of Redburrow Lane during the whole of March 2016. The Leics County Council (LCC) Press Release is reproduced below, followed by further details helpfully provided to Packington Post by the responsible Senior Technician at LCC, Mr Martin Chattin. 

Press Release from LCC:

LCC Highways (LCCH) has agreed to the temporary closure of Redburrow Lane, from the junction with Normanton Road, Packington, to Main Street in Normanton le Heath.

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The road will be closed from 07:00 hours Wednesday 2nd March 2016 for up to 31 days.

This will safely allow LCCH to carry out repairs to an existing culvert and associated highway works, including carriageway patching.

During the closure the alternative route will be :- From Main Street Normanton le Heath, via Ashby Road, to Normanton Road Packington,  & Vice Versa.

For further information, contact LCCH tel: 0116 305 0001

Further Details given to Packington Post:

  • Will we still be able to transit Redburrow Lane on foot or on cycle or dog-walking? If not for 24/7, perhaps out of working hours and days?

YES, the closure will facilitate parking for  works vehicles and for the provision of a pumped system to enable the culvert to be drained and the works completed safely. We would request cyclists dismount and pedestrians take care through the works location.

  • If not, will we still be able to use parts of the Lane on foot or cycle?

YES, the majority of the works are to the culvert although carriageway patching will also be carried out along the length of Redburrow Lane during the closure, access on these days will be restricted. Dates for this work is still to be confirmed.

  • Will access still be available to the farm residences and Model Aircraft Club site?

YES, we will be able to provide access to the farm and Model Aircraft Club  although it would help us if access was from whichever end of Redburrow Lane is not requiring the user to cross the culvert. Although we will endeavour to provide access, site vehicles will be parked in the carriageway and it may not always be possible for these to be moved quickly. As always we will endeavour to work with residents as much as possible.

  • Will the work actually start at 7am on Wednesday 2nd March, or is it subject to resources and weather forecast?

It is expected that works will start on Wednesday 2nd March although they may not be on site until 7.30am to 8am. Works to the culvert will be weather dependant although site establishment and clearance work can be carried out in most conditions.

  • When the work does start, how long is it estimated to take?

We have allowed the full month for the works to allow us to assess the damage to the brick work and carry out the repairs. This will also give us some contingency should the weather be against us.

  • Will you issue progress reports and tell us when work completion is expected?

If the work is looking to be completed ahead of schedule, I will update the Parish accordingly.

Packington Post remembers the corner by the brook culvert which is to be repaired, seen here flooded in January 2014:
