New Manager to help our village pub THRIVE again
New manager at The Bull and Lion, Justin Hadley, pictured left, put in a plea: for the village to support his unchanged staff in their efforts to continue providing great pub food and a welcoming central village meeting-point for us all.
Justin has described to Packington Post how he may have been misled when he took the tenancy of our village pub earlier this week.
On making their purchase offer for the vacant tenancy, Justin and his business partner, Julie Lester, had understood from the brewery that the previous tenants wanted to be out immediately – and could he take over at once? So he dropped everything, and on Monday this week arrived – to find the village seething over what one senior resident had publicly described as a “Shabby” takeover, with its precipitate removal by the brewery of the previous tenants the prior Friday.
There appear to be implications of duplicity here by the brewery. Justin was not the cause of the no-notice departure of the previous team leaders, who apparently only held a short-notice tenancy of the pub. Packington Post understands that the previous team held a first-refusal to purchase the permanent tenancy, but had declined to do so.
Meanwhile, Justin and Julie will try hard to regain the growing warmth and affection that previous tenants Mandy Mulholland and her family had engendered.
For more information – or to order your Sunday Lunch – call The Bull & Lion on 01530 587361