No wonder the small Packington Communications Group (PCG) were in celebration mode in the photo above – since 2003, the Group has produced ONE HUNDRED issues of Packington Post, our village bi-monthly magazine. Issue 100, distributed during the weekend of 18th / 19th January 2020, is another bumper 16-page edition.
The 9 “core” members of PCG want to pay tribute to the extensive help received from the village:
- We would be nothing without the wonderful distribution team, who brave the dark and the cold to deliver hot-off-the-press copies to EVERY VILLAGE DWELLING in EVERY VILLAGE ROAD OR LANE.
- We would have little to print without those involved in village activities, who take the time and effort needed to report on their club or group events and happenings.
- WE are so grateful to our advertisers, whose contributions are informative and valuable – we know our village supports them, too.
- We rely on our dedicated volunteer Parish Council for funding – it was they back in 2002 who highlighted the need for communication within our village, and today it is they who continue to provide much of our funding.
- We are so grateful for the support of YOU OUR READERS, who in survey after survey have backed us so fully, and who write in to let us have your thoughts on aspects of our village.
PCG want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all in the village who have helped to make the Packington Post such a success.