Packington Village Open Gardens Day – Probably the BEST Open Gardens in Leicestershire –
Major Village Event on Bank Holiday Monday, 26th August 2019 from 2pm to 7pm. Admission is by passport to 12 gardens, Adults £4.00, accompanied children FREE. Passports available on the day from:
- Measham Road Car Park, LE65 1WP
- Memorial Hall, High Street, LE65 1WJ, or
- Participating gardens.
- Gardening stall
- plants
- second-hand books
- Displays and live musical entertainment
Refreshments, including Ice-creams and afternoon teas, at:
- Memorial Hall, High Street;
- Barn Farm, Babelake Street; and
- Village church, Vicarage Lane
Sponsored by David Granger Architectural Design Limited telephone: 01530 560939
Duck race and BBQ on Mill Street from 6pm !