Lonely? Over 65? – Phone “The Silver Line”

Silverline-site-logoA free 24-hour dedicated helpline for older people across the UK has been launched by Esther Rantzen.

‘The Silver Line’ aims to combat loneliness in the over-65s by providing friendship, information and advice through calls to trained volunteers.

Chairwoman Ms Rantzen said she hoped the phone line number, 0800 4 70 80 90, would be remembered by all older people when they needed friendship or advice.

The phone line is funded by a £5m grant from the Big Lottery Fund. Continue reading ‘Lonely? Over 65? – Phone “The Silver Line”’ »

Hospice Hope Coffee Morning – Saturday 16th November 2013 10am – 12 noon

Down at the village church there is a special charity coffee morning this coming Saturday 16th November, from 10am -12noon.

It’s special because it is on behalf of Hospice Hope, the caring North West Leicestershire hospice which may well have touched the lives of someone we know. It could well touch our lives, too.

It’s also special because we’ve a fun morning event right here in our village, with stalls for cakes, books, crafts, white elephant, with GUESS specials – number of sweets in a jar, weight of a cake.

Represented too will be Phoenix Cards, Usborne Books, and local crafts including Jewellery, jams & pickles, and dog treats.

Hospice Hope. Help Make It Happen

Children FREE, adults £1 admission.

Bonfire Party Tuesday 5th November 7pm

The Parish Council are hoping to repeat the success of previous Bonfire Parties again this year. If you have any easily combustible wood such as old fence panels, pallets or old sheds please give Chris Miles a call on 01530 414378 to arrange getting them to the bonfire site.

Volunteers are also needed to; a) help set up, b) help on the night, c) help pack away. Anyone who can offer help should call Chris on the number above as soon as possible. Don’t hold back!

Packington Village Youth Club Halloween Themed Night – Monday 28th October 2013

Youth-Club-poster-20131027-skew_exIMG_3577w200h242_8kHalloween Themed Night, Monday 28th October  – Bring a Clean Jam Jar!

Come and Join the re-launched Packington Village Youth Club!

Open to any young person, Year 5 or above.

Meet at Packington Memorial Hall every Monday during Term time, from 6pm to 7pm

Only £1 per session.  Call Carla Harris-Marsh for information 07799 020174 Continue reading ‘Packington Village Youth Club Halloween Themed Night – Monday 28th October 2013’ »



Saturday 1st March 2014 at the Memorial Hall Packington
Proceeds to be used for the village to provide a defibrillator
Full English Breakfast, Lite Breakfast and Vegetarian Options

For more info contact Mike Coke on 01530 560430
If you are able to assist with cooking (1 hour slot) please get in touch with Wesley@packington.net  or tel. 07966 019133

Bull & Lion: – Great Food again from Saturday 2nd November 2013

We are to start serving Great Food again with a special new menu Launch on Saturday evening 2nd November 2013.  We had to stop serving food on 17th October, for 2 weeks – sorry.

New-B&L-logo-Jul13_exIMG_1348w500h267_8kUnfortunately our Halloween party is off, cancelled due to the new menu launch.  However, we will be holding a launch party on the 2nd of November including free tasters of our new menu and free champagne!

Many apologies for any inconvenience,  and we hope to see you all to try our brand new menu and introduce our new chef! Contact us on Tel: 01530 587361 for further information, and of course we’d love you to like us on Facebook as “Bull and Lion”

Illustrated Talk & Wine Tasting – Wed 6th November 2013 7pm at Ashby Manor House School

Ashby-born Katie Jones, whose family lived in Packington, will give an illustrated talk about her life as a wine producer in the Languedoc region of the South of France.KatieJones&3bottlesw300h309_20k

Katie left Ashby to live and work in France, later bought a vineyard, and then through sheer hard work made her  “Domaine Jones” label stand for award-winning quality wines of great rarity.

Forget the November weather – enjoy an evening transported to the Domaine Jones vineyards, tasting Katie’s  wines, and hearing about the successes, progress – and set-backs – of the last few years. It hasn’t all been plainLogoDomaineJones-w544 sailing!

Tickets £8.50 from:
Ashby Museum, North Street; also at
La Zouch Restaurant,  Kilwardby Street;  also at
Posh Pantry, Rushton’s Yard.
Cheeses by Posh Pantry.
Proceeeds to Ashby Museum – Museum of the Year 2007 and 2010