A Third Way? – Village Response to HS2 is published

A third way? Packington makes Formal

Response to HS2 Consultation – see below

The full consultation response can be downloaded here (500kB pdf)

Formal Response to consultation on revised route of HS2 at Measham and Packington, by Packington Residents

Executive summary

High Speed Two (HS2) Limited have asked the question ’Do you support the proposal to re-align the route to the East of Measham?’

HS2 Ltd state that the right route for HS2 needs to balance different factors, including serving communities effectively, delivering value for money for taxpayers and passengers, and limiting disruption for local residents and businesses1.

The residents of Packington have come together to submit a joint response, following a meeting attended by over 120 village residents on 6 January 2017, wherein it was agreed that the group would

‘submit a robust objection to the route, submit alternative route(s), submit mitigating proposals if the line was to go ahead, comment on the compensation scheme’

The Packington HS2 Response Team has decided to completely reject this proposed change for reasons that will be outlined in the following topics:

  • Conservation areas/listed buildings/environment
  • Education and health
  • Noise
  • Compensation
  • Businesses and jobs

This report includes details of inaccuracies in data used by HS2 Ltd.

We also recommend that HS2 Ltd considers an alternative third route which minimises the impact on the areas outlined below, including over 90% reduction in the number of homes impacted and significantly less impact on schools, businesses, history and the environment.

1 Source: HS2 Ltd route consultation material, Nov 2016

Conservation areas/listed buildings/environment

Packington is a historic village established prior to the Domesday survey in 1086. The proposed route of HS2 will have a significant impact on the historical nature and environment of the village. This includes the impact on the Conservation Area. The River Mease SSSI and its tributary the Gilwiskaw Brook is the only Special Area of Conservation (SAC) on the entire HS2 route.

Education and health

Our village school is one of the best regarded in Leicestershire and is currently attended by 113 children from Packington and the surrounding area. The school will be only 350 metres from the proposed new route for the HS2 line.

The head teacher and governors have serious concerns about the adverse impacts of these operations on the health of the children in their care. The school uses the outdoor spaces on the school site as a teaching and learning space.


All parts of the village will be exposed to higher levels of noise pollution. HS2Ltd has so far failed to recognise the cumulative noise effect of HS2 plus the A42. Noise caused by HS2 alone would be at least 53dB for all of Packington. With those living closest to the route being exposed to much higher levels of noise, and the cumulative effect of HS2 and the A42/M42 being around 80dB, the level at which the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) states additional information and hearing protection should be made available when exposed to daily or weekly1.


The compensation package as proposed is wholly inadequate and inequitable. It doesn’t reflect the impact on all houses and people in the village and is set by an arbitrary line on the map. Without revisions, the compensation being proposed would leave residents of Packington suffering significant and long term financial loss.

Businesses and jobs

The impact on businesses and jobs will be wide-ranging and unquantifiable but it will mean the loss of at least 230 jobs and its resulting impact on the local economy. Many of the businesses rely on the quiet and remote nature of their location.

To conclude, we do not believe the proposed route meets the objectives of limiting disruption to residents or businesses in the area. Letters of support from Andrew Bridgen MP and Councillor Nigel Smith are included in the appendices section.

Full details are set out in the Response report,here (500kB pdf)