Probably the BEST Open Gardens in Leicestershire – Monday 27th August 2018

GarenView_CIMG3673w160_4kPackington Village Gardens Open Day – Probably the BEST Open Gardens in LeicestershireMajor Village Event on Bank Holiday Monday, 27th August 2018 from 2pm to 7pm. Admission is by passport to 12 gardens, Adults £4.00, Accompanied children FREE.

Passports available on the day from Packington village Car Park on Measham Road – LE65 1WP for your SatNav – also at Memorial Hall and participating gardens.

Refreshments, including Ice Creams and afternoon teas,
CarPark_exIMG_3780w300are available on your route at:

  • the Memorial Hall, High Street
  • 30 Normanton Road
  • 13 Babelake Street


  • live musical entertainment
  • gardening stall
  • plants
  • second-use books
  • displays

DG logoAs usual this event is sponsored by David Granger Architectural Design Limited, the much-respected local company located right at the heart of our village, in Mill Street: 01530 560939

Profits from the day help stop the village church from falling down – they go to the building’s fabric repair fund, which only recently had to replace its roof.

Ducks_exCIMG4049w300Also, with a 6pm start at Mill Street, where the Brook flows under the Hall Lane bridge, the famous Packington Duck Races and Barbeque take place!

Thrill to the excitement of the Races, with the yellow ducks illustrated! Prizes!

CrowdAtDuckRace_exCIMG4058w300The Buzz from the crowd is to be savoured. Barbecue and snacks available according to weather.

