We need a new Secretary for our village Memorial Hall’s committee.
At the Memorial Hall General Meeting in March the present Secretary said he had decided not to continue for 2013/14. After 8 years he felt the time was right for a younger person, with fresh ideas, to take on this role. Please can YOU now help?
With no volunteers yet at the subsequent committee meeting, it was agreed that :-
- There would be a “job description” of the role of secretary, publicised around the village.
- The present Secretary would continue in a temporary capacity for the time being.
1. Take notes at each meeting of the committee, recording motions formally endorsed by the committee, especially those requiring further action. Note attendance and absentees at meetings. Meetings take place 10 times per year (monthly apart from August and December).
2. Prepare minutes of previous meeting from notes, and an agenda for the next meeting, type them up and distribute them to committee members about 10 days before the next meeting.
3. Liaise with other officers of the committee (Chairman, Treasurer, and Booking Secretary) where necessary, usually 2 or 3 times per month (phone or email).
4. Arrange for post received to be considered at next meeting, usually 1 or 2 items per meeting (primarily circulars from RCC or Leics County Council). Correspondence is quite limited, probably half a dozen letters per year are required to be drafted and sent in line with committee instructions.
5. Arrange for Annual General Meeting AGM in March to be publicised by notices on village notice boards and in the Packington Post. On the day ensure details are recorded of all trustees and trustee representatives for Charity Commission records.
It is hard to be specific about the time spent on the secretarial role during the last 8 years as he has also had other roles simultaneously such as Centre Stage promoter and Lunch Club treasurer. In addition there was a huge amount of additional time involved during the refurbishment of the Hall in 2008/9.
Currently it is estimated that the secretarial role should take up no more than 6-8 hours per month maximum. If you are interested in becoming secretary, or wish to make a contribution to running the Memorial Hall, or require more information, then contact:-
Temporary Secretary: Adrian Mongredien on 564613 or
Chairman:- Christopher Miles on 414378