The WI – Packington Christmas party will be held on Thursday 5th December 2013
Entertainment by the well known entertainer : Flossie.
Bring a plate, knife, fork and glass.
WI November AGM Report follows:
The WI’s annual general meeting on November 7 saw the re-election for the seventh successive year of Margaret Stalker as President. Margaret said that although she enjoyed the position “this year really must be my last”.
Beryl Latham, who has been treasurer for a similar length of time, resigned, and Ann Keast has taken on the job. Her former role as Vice-President will be filled by Margaret Aspinall. In the absence through illness of secretary Sandra Hawley (who, happily, is now home again after a prolonged stay in hospital) Sue Talbot agreed to become acting secretary. The new press secretary is Ann Roberts, who will contribute reports to the Ashby Times, Packington Post, the Packington website and the Institute’s County News.
A vote of thanks to all officers and members of the committee for their hard work during the year was proposed by Doreen Roberts.
In her annual report Margaret Aspinall said 2013 had been a happy and successful year, the various activities including a charity concert by the Gresley Boys’ Choir in May, a coffee morning in August, with another to come on November 30. Membership now stood at 46
Winner of the cup awarded to the member who had won most of the monthly competitions went to Hazel Brown.